Dart Hockey Club

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Pre-Season meeting

29 August 2023
Pre-Season meeting

Pre-Season Executive Committe & Coaches Meeting

Monday 14th August 2023 

7.00pm Cott Inn, Totnes

Present: - Cath Causey, Tracey Pearce, Claire Powlesland, Bubs Gaywood, John Payne, Simon Lamb, Jacqui Moore.


Apologies: - Annie Quartley, Jo Cooke


Purpose of the meeting is to formulate a full selection procedure following the proposal passed at the AGM to allowcaptains to be elected post squad selections. Also to discuss any other early season events and situations.



CC spoke to Barbara Reynolds from Penzance HC as they already have a system in place. Recently they agreed at the AGM to the election of captains and vice captains from within each team squad which is selected at the beginning of the season and that squad decide the captain and vice captain – if more than one person wants to stand for the position then a vote is carried out within that squad. They have a squad of approx. 18 players for each team but within the squads there can be some ‘pool’ players who will play for more than one team dependant on availability each weekend. They also have a club captain who will get involved & resolve difficult selection (& other situations) to remove the pressure from coaches and captains etc. We will look at introducing this role in future years.



From this, the following proposal for Dart Hockey was put together, to be presented to & agreed by the committee – 

1. We will aim to have approx 18 players in each squad but will work out final numbers as we get further information on player availability this season. At present the coaches have agreed there are circa 19 players considered suitable for the ladies 1s, but they will need to confirm commitment from those players. Captains/coaches will identify certain players who will be the first to be asked to move between teams based on several factors but will be mindful of all circumstances. Week to week the captains will communicate with the players who are playing out of their squad & explain the reasons why they are being asked to play elsewhere. This year because each team are playing in different leagues,we will ask players to go only to the team below and not ask the 1s to go to 3s. Because of this we may only have squad of 15/16 in the 2s to reduce the disruption within this team, ring fencing those we identify as rising 1stteamers. It was agreed the 3s would need a bigger squad due to commitment/ availability of these players.

2. Priority on player numbers should be given to the Ladies 1s but the aim of the club is to keep each team in their current leagues. 

3. Selection committee will, at present, be made up of last season’s captains or in the case of the 1st team this year last year’s vice-captain as they can give background info on the players as well as their playing ability plus coaches:- Annie, Tracey, John, Simon with a completelyimpartial chair, not there to comment on individuals but keep meeting working well – Paul Rose suggested for this role. 

4. We have 4 pre-season sessions, a friendly game & Club Day to see players perform. Selection committee willthen meet to choose squads after first friendly on Sunday 3rd or Monday 4th Sept to enable teams to train in their squads by first training session on Tuesday 5th.

5. Each individual player will then be contacted by a coach to confirm their squad selection with each coach being responsible for just one team. Selection policy will be followed to remove most individual issues, but they willbe honest & open re the decision. U18 players, if happy, should have a parent/guardian present for this discussion. It will be stressed to the individual that this is just a starting point, and we will work with them to achieve their expectations with ongoing monitoring throughout the season. Anyone not happy with their squad selection will be advised to go back to the coach as first contactand only to welfare officer if there is a welfare issue.

6. WhatsApp groups will then be set up by previous captain/vice who will ask potential captains & vicecaptains to put themselves forward to their own coaches by the Friday before club day. If there are just 2 suitable applicants per team, they will be announced at the Club Day, if more come forward then the team will be asked to vote by text to the relevant coach for their preferred choice. Each captain/vice will then take responsibility for organising their team for the next 2 arranged friendlies.

7. First full selection meeting with all new officials will happen before the league starts to review the situation.

8. Aim for this year is to try and have a set team formation/ marking/position throughout the squads, but aware may need to be adapted as ages/availability differ within the teams. Also, coaches will look to develop players into certain roles if needed for the team above, as all 3 teamsare now in different leagues will need to be aware of the pressures to step up in to a higher team. Players identified as potentials for the squad above will be invited to train with that team when ready.

9. For weekly training, coaches will allocate themselves to a team. Simon Lamb has offered to step up to take on aladies team, alleviating pressure on current coaches and we will also look at getting guest coaches in to help, possibly Sue Hutchings?? 

Action Points

1. CP to send out agreed plan to committee and ask for feedback by the weekend if they have comments.

2. Current Captains/ Vice captains to touch base with their players to get an indication of commitment/ availability for the coming season as soon as possible.Current captains/vice captains to captain any friendlies before the above appointments have taken place.

3. Coaches to confirm team responsibilities.

4. CC to contact Paul Rose

5. TP/ CC to contact Sue Hutchings (Sue is on holiday at the moment until 19th Sept) or other possible options.



First aid kits to come to club day for checking and replenishing.


Training Balls and Match Balls – CC will speak to Kerry.


Club Day – should be a mixed fun tournament with all players encouraged to display the right attitude. Ask the Social Club to organise – CC will speak to lucy, Jacs to help with player selection. Check booking times with Kerry.


CC suggested we have a full committee meeting at the start of the season to introduce the new members and review current sub committees and plan for the year. First week after league game Wednesday 4th October 7.15pm.


Agreed JP to get more training equipment. 


Meeting closed at 8.51pm.

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